Caregiver (Female)

Expired on: Nov 30, 2023

If you also meet the following qualifications, please contact for the above jobs in Japan
Complete the application form posted on the site including the following certificates and letters
Refer before 30.06.2020

(If you have applied for a visa for Japan as a NU Miner and have been rejected, avoid applying again)

Basic qualifications required

  • Japanese Language Proficiency Tests (JLPT or NAT) pass N4 or higher qualification.
  • Must have Tatoo on the body.
  • Age should be between 18-30 years.
  • Must appear for the A.Yapa.S (High School) exam.
  • Height should be 150cm or above.
  • Must have visual impairment. (visual value more than 0.7 and Sri Lanka visual value more than 6/9)
  • Weight should be 40Kg or more.
Job Category: Elder Care
Job Type: Full Time
Job Location: Kobe Tokyo
Sorry! This job has expired.
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